Functional Skills ICT (NQF)
Study materials for Functional Skills qualification in ICT at Level 2
These resources support learners in developing essential skills and knowledge needed to prepare them for their OCR Functional Skills qualification in ICT at Level 2. Learners can work through engaging interactive study sessions, including real-life scenarios with practical tasks to help them to practise their ICT skills and apply their knowledge while preparing for an OCR Functional Skills ICT assessment.
The resources will enable pupils to become more confident and capable when using their word processing, data handling, internet, spreadsheet and presentation skills in work and life.

Resource details
In these resources, learners will work through 5 study sessions to help to prepare for a Functional Skills ICT external assessment.
Session 1
Finding and selecting information from the Internet
In this first Session pupils will select suitable software to plan and carry out a complex task, and evaluate the selection, use and effectiveness of ICT tools.
Session 2
Preparing a leaflet for employees
In this Session pupils will use suitable software to meet needs and solve a problem. They will also learn about information retrieval.
Session 3
Preparing a slide show
In this Session pupils will evaluate the selection, use and effectiveness of ICT tools and facilities used to present information.
Session 4
A complex data handling task
In this Session pupils will learn about selecting and using appropriate ICT systems safely and securely to meet the requirements of a complex data handling task.
Session 5
Analysing numerical data and creating a chart
In this Session pupils will evaluate the selection, use and effectiveness of ICT tools and facilities used to analyse data and present results in a suitable way.

Other computer skills options:
Other Functional Skills options: