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Five things you might not know about Progress 8

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Friday, 20 June 2014

Now is the time to start preparing for Progress 8 but do you know what it means for your school and pupils? ...

Stretching the school day to help under-performing children

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Friday, 20 June 2014

Extra hours of study and revision can be especially useful for students working towards those crucial GCSEs. ...

Closing the attainment gap: Is the Pupil Premium working?

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Monday, 24 March 2014

The headlines based on recent research into the Pupil Premium by think tank Demos have focused on the angle that the funding is failing to close the attainment gap. But do they tell the full story?

Preparing for Progress 8

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Friday, 14 February 2014

Progress 8 measures set to come into force in 2016 represent a fundamental change in the way that school results are measured...

RE "edged out" of the school curriculum

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Monday, 09 December 2013

A recent survey suggests that one in four schools is failing in its duty to offer religious education to GCSE students. What can time and resource-pressed schools do to boost RE teaching?